The Young and the Restless update for Wednesday May 27, 2009:
Adam listens via his laptop while Olivia and Victor comfort Ashley after her nightmare about Sabrina. Victor asks Ashley if she can remember her dream, but she tells him she can't remember the details. Adam is frustrated because he wanted to make her nightmare come true! Olivia tells Ashley she had vivid dreams when she was carrying Nate and it's not a problem if it's not disturbing her sleep. Ashley admits she needs to sleep more, but she doesn't want to take drugs. Olivia suggests some lavender under her pillow and Victor offers to get her some. Ashley says she'll try to go back to sleep and Victor and Olivia leave the room.
Gloria and Jeff tromp into the coffeehouse while Gloria complains about how they had to spend four days getting home by boat and bus. Gloria wants to go to the Club to take a bath, but Jeff tells her they've been kicked out and their stuff has been put into storage until they pay! Jeff suggests Gloria sell her diamonds, but she says it's too risky. Jeff says she'll have to borrow money from Michael and Kevin or get a job. Jeff and Gloria search the classified ads and they discover a pent house apartment. Gloria says they have to keep the landlord from finding out they can't afford it, and Jeff loves the idea.
Jack is at home when Jill pays him a visit. She thanks him for helping her with the Caymans situation and then tells Jack they are both victims of Katherine's corporate greed. She says Katherine will never sell the Abbotts Jabot. Jill says she has a great business partnership idea, but Jack doesn't want to have anything to do with it. He tells Jill to talk to the "Mustache" about it! Jill tells Jack he's making a mistake as she leaves. After she's gone, John appears and says Jack could have been nicer to Jill. John says he's disappointed with both of his sons for being petty. Jack points out that Billy slept with Sharon, but John reminds Jack that he slept with Jill when she was married to his father as well. Jack says he doesn't want to talk about that. John reminds Jack to remember that no matter what, Billy is his brother.
Billy calls Chloe in the pool house. He gets her voicemail and he tells her that she's made her point - she and Delia need to come home now! Jill shows up at the pool house and asks Billy what Jack's problem is. She tells him how Jack blew her off when she said she had a great business proposal, and wants to know if Billy will talk to Jack for her. Billy tells his mother that he and Jack are not on good terms right now. Jill wonders where Cordelia is and Billy tells his mother that when he came home, Chloe and the baby were gone. Jill wants to know what Billy did this time, and Billy seems offended that she automatically thinks he did something wrong. Jill says she knows Chloe loves him, but wonders if he wants Chloe back. Billy says he doesn't want to hurt Chloe or lose Delia. Jill remarks that Cordelia will always be a part of his life and she can't blame Chloe for walking out on him because he cannot make a commitment. She tells him he needs to decide if he is in or out.
Raul and Mac chat outside by the pool at the Chancellor mansion. Raul wonders if Billy cheated on Chloe. Suddenly, Chloe appears. Raul offers to go talk some sense into Chloe, but Chloe says she doubts it would do any good. Mac offers to go and Chloe says she thinks it would be worse if she went. Esther comes out and Chloe tells her mother she is done being a doormat. Esther and Chloe go in and Raul tells Mac that perhaps Billy is not in love with Chloe. Raul wants Mac to go back to Washington with him.
Esther and Chloe talk outside. Chloe tells her mother that Billy has shut her out completely. She says she needs to set an example for Delia - she should not be treated this way. Raul tells Mac he was promoted at work and he'd like to hire her and work with her while they are planning their wedding. Mac says she's not ready to leave Genua City yet - she wants to spend more time with Katherine first. Raul worries about how they will see one another - he does not want to be separated from her again, but Mac says they'll figure it out. Mac walks over to Chloe and apologizes for the way things are going between her and Billy. Chloe says this is all Mac's fault. Mac insists it isn't her fault. Raul walks over and kisses Mac good-bye. When he leaves, Chloe says he's a nice guy - too bad he is clueless! Chloe says she's glad Delia is too young to know what is going on as she giggles nearby. Mac and Chloe talk about their childhoods - Chloe assumed Mac had it easy. Mac notes that Chloe really loves Billy. Chloe says that makes two of them. Mac says she doesn't love Billy like that anymore, but Chloe tells Mac that Billy doesn't know this.
Ashley sits and holds a pillow in her bedroom. John appears and greets Ashley. Ashley begins to talk to her father about how scared she is, and Adam is baffled, squinting at the laptop where Ashley appears to be talking to herself. Ashley tells her father how much she wants this baby and she doesn't know what she'll do if she loses it. John tells her not to put so much pressure on herself. She tells her dad that she remembers the dream and lied to Victor about it. She says the doorknob was rattling and Sabrina comes into her room wearing a black veil. She says that Sabrina wanted to smother her and picks up the pillow to do so. Ashley goes back to sleep and wakes up later in pain.
Downstairs, Victor and Olivia talk about having Ashley talk to a therapist again, but Victor doesn't want to push her into another nervous breakdown. Olivia suggests that Victor see a psychologist so that he can learn what signs to look for himself. Olivia gets on the phone to make the arrangements. Adam comes into the room and discusses Ashley's situation with Victor. As Olivia is getting off the phone, Ashley comes downstairs and announces she's bleeding - she's scared she might be losing the baby!
Jill runs into Gloria and Jeff at the coffeehouse and they all try to pretend they didn't lose everything. In the end, though, they all admit they are destitute. They promise one another they will tell no one how broke they are.
Esther sits down with Chloe to chat some more. Esther says she's known Mac a while and she believes she's a straight shooter - she doesn't play games. Chloe gets Billy's message and tells her mom he did not apologize. Esther asks her daughter if it's more important to be right or happy? Jill appears and says she loves having Cordelia at the house - she wished they'd never left in the first place. Jill advises Chloe not to give ultimatums if she is not prepared to live with the consequences - she says Billy is very confused and he could go either way at this point.
John appears to Billy in the pool house and tells him he has a lot of growing up to do! John asks Billy what he's going to do about Chloe and Delia. Billy says he doesn't know - does his father have any suggestions? There's a knock at the door and it's Mac. She wants to know why Billy isn't at the Chancellor mansion trying to get Chloe and his daughter back! Mac tells him if he wants to do right by his daughter, he'll go over there now and get them back. She reminds him that he does not want another man raising his daughter. Billy confronts Mackenzie about marrying Raul. She tells him she loves him, and even if Billy were available she'd marry him because she and Billy can't go back now.
Gloria and Jeff go to Restless Style to talk to the owner of the penthouse they want to rent - Phyllis! Phyllis is surprised they want to rent from her, but agrees to let them do so, provided they give her first and last month's rent and deposit as the lease calls for. Gloria and Jeff laugh about how great this is - there's no need to do any background checks. Phyllis points out that they didn't sign the check before she takes a phone call. Gloria and Jeff congratulate each other on their luck, but realize they only have about $100 after Phyllis cashes their check. Jack appears and he's shocked when Phyllis hands Gloria and Jeff keys as they leave. Phyllis wants to know what Jack wants and he says he wants to talk about Sharon's baby!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Raul Returns!
Cane and Lily enjoy their morning in bed on their honeymoon. Lily feeds Cane fruit, and the talk about taking a walk on the beach. They make love. Afterward, Lily tells Cane she was afraid she'd never be able to trust a man again, but Cane changed all of that for her. She says she can't wait to get back home to start their married life together. Cane says he thought he'd never have a beautiful wife and a family, but because of Lily, he does. Lily says she feels safe with Cane, that she feels like he will protect her and not let anything bad happen to her. Cane says he'll always be there for her. They get out of bed and have a champagne toast. Lily says she doesn't know much about Australia, and she thinks they should go there before they start having kids.
Nina and Amber argue about what to put in the screenplay at the Chancellor mansion. Nina wants to focus on Katherine stealing Jill's baby and finding Cane later in life while Amber wants to focus on all the great things Katherine's done instead of her mistakes.
Murphy and Esther sit out by the pool while Mac and Katherine prepare the food. Katherine inquires about Chloe's visit yesterday and Mac says Chloe just wanted to make sure Mac wasn't encouraging Billy's behavior. She tells her grandmother that Billy will be backing off anyway because there's another guy. Mac says she was in Darfur with him and it could have gotten serious.
In the pool house, Billy asks Chloe a lot of questions, and she reveals to him that she visited Mac yesterday. Chloe tells Billy Mac is crazy about someone, but it's not him! Billy says Mac made this guy up to appease Chloe, but Chloe doesn't buy it. Chloe says she doesn't think Mac would lie. She says it must be difficult to hide a broken heart. Billy gets irritated and tells Chloe to chill out a bit.
At the Abbott mansion, Sharon is planning to go to Cassie's grave site. Jack offers to go with her, but she says she wants to go alone. Jack wonders if Nick will be there and Sharon says she's decided not to see him today. She tells Jack she's scared that she won't be able to talk about Cassie and not tell him about the baby that might be his!
Phyllis suggests that Nick go home to get some rest - he didn't sleep well last night. Phyllis says she assumes Nick will be meeting Sharon at Cassie's grave site later, but Nick tells her he can't reach Sharon. Phyllis offers to go with him to the cemetery, but Nick says he wants to go alone. He kisses her and heads out.
Nick goes to the Abbott mansion and tells Jack Sharon isn't responding to his phone calls. Jack tells Nick Sharon doesn't want to see him today - she wants to get through this alone. Jack says Sharon has her own reasons for wanting to do this alone, but Nick assumes it's because he wasn't there for her when Cassie died. Jack points out that Nick was grieving as well, but Nick continues to talk negatively about himself. Jack tells Nick his need to help Sharon isn't about Sharon, but is instead about him. Jack says this is Nick's "stuff," and he needs to deal with it and let Sharon be.
Billy and Chloe arrive at the Chancellor mansion for the barbecue and Katherine and Esther greet them. Mac goes to get some pool toys and Billy quickly says he'll help and follows her. Katherine inquires about how things are going for her and Billy. Chloe says they are better than when they started. Billy inquires as to why Mac called him yesterday and she tells him she found the karaoke tape. She suggests he let Delia listen to her "silly daddy" someday. Billy accuses Mac of making up her boyfriend to put Chloe at ease yesterday. Mac is angry; she gets up and storms away from him. Later, Billy apologizes for upsetting Mac. Mac tells Billy she had told him she'd moved on - what did he think she'd meant? She says of course she was with someone else and she cared very deeply for him. Billy wonders why Mac called him then? Mac says it was an impulsive thing to do and she wishes she could take it back - she doesn't know what she ever saw in him!
Amber, Chloe, and Nina sit at a table by the pool and chat. Amber asks what Phillip III was like, and Nina says he was a complicated person. Nina wonders how Cane figured out he was related to Jill. Chloe tells Nina to ask Amber about that because she was married to Cane. Amber wonders why Nina wants to get into all of that. Amber changes the subject and asks Chloe about Billy and Mackenzie. Chloe isn't happy that Billy is hitting on Mac in front of her entire family, and Amber wonders why Chloe puts up with the disrespect. Amber tells Chloe Billy doesn't deserve her! Nina pressures Amber to talk about Cane again, and Amber finally tells Nina Katherine began to have nightmares and finally realized she had switched the babies at birth. Amber explained how Katherine found Cane through a lot of Internet research and hired a psychic to help her.
Sharon goes to Restless Style and when Phyllis asks her if she's looking for Nick, Sharon said she already knows he isn't there - his car wasn't there. She asks Phyllis to keep Nick at the office for a while so that she can go to Cassie's grave alone. Phyllis says Nick is already at the grave site, so she can wait at Restless Style for a while if she wants. Phyllis inquires as to why Sharon wants to avoid Nick today and Sharon tells her it's best for everyone if she keeps her distance from Nick - she's back with Jack now and she's not living in the past anymore. Sharon thanks Phyllis for being hard on her when she was relying so hard on Nick, even though she resented her at times then. Phyllis admits she was selfish as well. They clear the air between them. Sharon assumes Nick is done at Cassie's grave now, so she's going to go have some time with her daughter.
Jack arrives at the barbecue and greet Katherine, telling her Sharon won't be attending because she's spending time at Cassie's grave. They go outside and everyone mills around for a while. Suddenly Jack says, "Raul Guiterrez! What is this, a Glo by Jabot reunion?" Everyone greets Raul and Billy introduces everyone. Raul is shocked that Billy has a wife and a baby now! Mac comes up behind Mac and says, "Raul?" They kiss passionately. Murphy notes that the kiss is some kiss hello! Billy stares in shock.
Sharon arrives at Cassie's grave and talks to her, saying she would have been in college now. Sharon begins to cry and Nick appears. Sharon told him she didn't want to see him and tries to walk away, but Nick grabs her arm to stop her. He tells her he thinks they need to grieve for Cassie together, and they talk about how hard it is to move on from her death, how hard it is to let her go. They wonder if Cassie would want them to move on or if she feels lonely now and if they moved on, if she'd feel abandoned. Nick wonders what Cassie would think about what their lives have become. He says her prophecy cannot come true now. Phyllis arrives and sees Nick and Sharon talking, so she hides behind the gate to listen. Sharon tells Nick Cassie's prophecy may come true because she's pregnant and the baby might be his!
Nina and Amber argue about what to put in the screenplay at the Chancellor mansion. Nina wants to focus on Katherine stealing Jill's baby and finding Cane later in life while Amber wants to focus on all the great things Katherine's done instead of her mistakes.
Murphy and Esther sit out by the pool while Mac and Katherine prepare the food. Katherine inquires about Chloe's visit yesterday and Mac says Chloe just wanted to make sure Mac wasn't encouraging Billy's behavior. She tells her grandmother that Billy will be backing off anyway because there's another guy. Mac says she was in Darfur with him and it could have gotten serious.
In the pool house, Billy asks Chloe a lot of questions, and she reveals to him that she visited Mac yesterday. Chloe tells Billy Mac is crazy about someone, but it's not him! Billy says Mac made this guy up to appease Chloe, but Chloe doesn't buy it. Chloe says she doesn't think Mac would lie. She says it must be difficult to hide a broken heart. Billy gets irritated and tells Chloe to chill out a bit.
At the Abbott mansion, Sharon is planning to go to Cassie's grave site. Jack offers to go with her, but she says she wants to go alone. Jack wonders if Nick will be there and Sharon says she's decided not to see him today. She tells Jack she's scared that she won't be able to talk about Cassie and not tell him about the baby that might be his!
Phyllis suggests that Nick go home to get some rest - he didn't sleep well last night. Phyllis says she assumes Nick will be meeting Sharon at Cassie's grave site later, but Nick tells her he can't reach Sharon. Phyllis offers to go with him to the cemetery, but Nick says he wants to go alone. He kisses her and heads out.
Nick goes to the Abbott mansion and tells Jack Sharon isn't responding to his phone calls. Jack tells Nick Sharon doesn't want to see him today - she wants to get through this alone. Jack says Sharon has her own reasons for wanting to do this alone, but Nick assumes it's because he wasn't there for her when Cassie died. Jack points out that Nick was grieving as well, but Nick continues to talk negatively about himself. Jack tells Nick his need to help Sharon isn't about Sharon, but is instead about him. Jack says this is Nick's "stuff," and he needs to deal with it and let Sharon be.
Billy and Chloe arrive at the Chancellor mansion for the barbecue and Katherine and Esther greet them. Mac goes to get some pool toys and Billy quickly says he'll help and follows her. Katherine inquires about how things are going for her and Billy. Chloe says they are better than when they started. Billy inquires as to why Mac called him yesterday and she tells him she found the karaoke tape. She suggests he let Delia listen to her "silly daddy" someday. Billy accuses Mac of making up her boyfriend to put Chloe at ease yesterday. Mac is angry; she gets up and storms away from him. Later, Billy apologizes for upsetting Mac. Mac tells Billy she had told him she'd moved on - what did he think she'd meant? She says of course she was with someone else and she cared very deeply for him. Billy wonders why Mac called him then? Mac says it was an impulsive thing to do and she wishes she could take it back - she doesn't know what she ever saw in him!
Amber, Chloe, and Nina sit at a table by the pool and chat. Amber asks what Phillip III was like, and Nina says he was a complicated person. Nina wonders how Cane figured out he was related to Jill. Chloe tells Nina to ask Amber about that because she was married to Cane. Amber wonders why Nina wants to get into all of that. Amber changes the subject and asks Chloe about Billy and Mackenzie. Chloe isn't happy that Billy is hitting on Mac in front of her entire family, and Amber wonders why Chloe puts up with the disrespect. Amber tells Chloe Billy doesn't deserve her! Nina pressures Amber to talk about Cane again, and Amber finally tells Nina Katherine began to have nightmares and finally realized she had switched the babies at birth. Amber explained how Katherine found Cane through a lot of Internet research and hired a psychic to help her.
Sharon goes to Restless Style and when Phyllis asks her if she's looking for Nick, Sharon said she already knows he isn't there - his car wasn't there. She asks Phyllis to keep Nick at the office for a while so that she can go to Cassie's grave alone. Phyllis says Nick is already at the grave site, so she can wait at Restless Style for a while if she wants. Phyllis inquires as to why Sharon wants to avoid Nick today and Sharon tells her it's best for everyone if she keeps her distance from Nick - she's back with Jack now and she's not living in the past anymore. Sharon thanks Phyllis for being hard on her when she was relying so hard on Nick, even though she resented her at times then. Phyllis admits she was selfish as well. They clear the air between them. Sharon assumes Nick is done at Cassie's grave now, so she's going to go have some time with her daughter.
Jack arrives at the barbecue and greet Katherine, telling her Sharon won't be attending because she's spending time at Cassie's grave. They go outside and everyone mills around for a while. Suddenly Jack says, "Raul Guiterrez! What is this, a Glo by Jabot reunion?" Everyone greets Raul and Billy introduces everyone. Raul is shocked that Billy has a wife and a baby now! Mac comes up behind Mac and says, "Raul?" They kiss passionately. Murphy notes that the kiss is some kiss hello! Billy stares in shock.
Sharon arrives at Cassie's grave and talks to her, saying she would have been in college now. Sharon begins to cry and Nick appears. Sharon told him she didn't want to see him and tries to walk away, but Nick grabs her arm to stop her. He tells her he thinks they need to grieve for Cassie together, and they talk about how hard it is to move on from her death, how hard it is to let her go. They wonder if Cassie would want them to move on or if she feels lonely now and if they moved on, if she'd feel abandoned. Nick wonders what Cassie would think about what their lives have become. He says her prophecy cannot come true now. Phyllis arrives and sees Nick and Sharon talking, so she hides behind the gate to listen. Sharon tells Nick Cassie's prophecy may come true because she's pregnant and the baby might be his!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sharon's Unravelling
The Young and the Restless update for Thursday May 21, 2009:
Billy looks at his cell phone in the pool house and sees he missed a phone call from Mac. He tells Chloe he has to go to work to work on a special project from Jack. Chloe picks out a tie for him to wear, and he leaves. Chloe thinks back to their morning in bed when Jack knocks on the door. Chloe tells Jack he just missed Billy - he just went to start that new project Jack gave to him. Jack looks confused! He utters under his breath he knows exactly where Billy is. Chloe tells Jack Billy has been great lately, and he is surprised to hear this. They discuss how impulsive Billy can be, and Chloe begins to wonder if that is what this morning was. After Jack leaves, Delia begins to cry. When she goes to get Delia's blanket, she finds Billy's phone and sees that Mac called.
At the Chancellor mansion, Mac listens to the duet tape she and Billy made. Katherine comes into the room and tells Mackenzie she wanted to give her a heads up - she is going to invite Billy and Chloe to the barbecue. Mac talks to Katherine about Billy, saying even if he left Chloe, he'd still be miserable because he would feel he let Delia down. Kay says if she hadn't shown up at the wedding, Billy's focus wouldn't have been on her ever since then, but Mac says she can't help that - she's tried. Kay wonders what would have happened if Mac had shown up earlier and Mac admits she doesn't know.
Paul shows up at Mary Jane's door and says he knows her from somewhere and it's driving him crazy. With a little convincing, Mary Jane finally agrees to meet Paul downstairs in the Club for lunch. When Mary Jane comes downstairs, she's wearing sunglasses, telling Paul she feels a migraine coming on. Paul begins to ask Mary Jane about her background, but she doesn't give him a lot of information. Paul says he recognizes her laugh and says perhaps they met through a family connection? Mary Jane gets pretty uncomfortable and suddenly jumps up, saying her migraine is killing her, and leaves. After she's gone, Paul makes a phone call and orders a full background check on Mary Jane!
At Restless Style, Nick looks at the drawing Summer gave him and flashes back to when Cassie gave him a drawing of their family. He comes back to the present in order to thank Summer for her drawing. Nick sighs and wonders when this gets easier. Phyllis says she wishes she could do something to help him, but Nick says she already has - she's given him Summer. Phyllis wants to know what Nick is feeling - no matter what it is. Nick finally tells her he's worried about Sharon - she's unravelling and she has been for a long time now. Phyllis says she's worried about Sharon too - she has a lot going on. She tells Nick she can see Sharon falling apart, but she's getting the help she needs now. Nick feels guilty because he wasn't there for her when Cassie died and that's when all of this started. Phyllis tells Nick he made a mistake, but he'd never do that again - he's a different person now. Nick feels he needs to be there for Sharon now, but Phyllis reminds Nick he isn't her doctor, priest, therapist, or husband. Nick tells Phyllis Sharon has told him to stay away, but he feels this is all his fault. Phyllis tells Nick Sharon may want to move forward with Jack, but she can't because Nick won't let her go. Nick tells Phyllis he values her and Summer. Phyllis tells Nick not to think for a second that she doesn't need him as much as Sharon does. Phyllis leaves the office while Nick draws with Summer.
Sharon holds Cassie's drawing and cries. Billy comes in and asks if she's okay. He wants to know why she moved back in with Jack - it's uncomfortable for him. He wonders if it is uncomfortable for her as well. Billy worries about what would happen if Chloe and Jack found out he might be the father of Sharon's baby. Sharon tells Billy Jack already knows he might not be the baby's father. Billy wonders if there is a third candidate for the father?! Sharon says Jack knows she was with someone else, but he doesn't know it was Billy. Billy insists that Sharon living at the Abbott mansion isn't ideal because it could all blow up in their faces! Billy says he would fall in love with the baby if it is his. Billy says Jack's been like a father to him and he doesn't know what he'd do if Jack ever found out. Suddenly, Jack appears and wants to know what he's interrupting!
Sharon says she was already emotional before Billy came in. Billy leaves the room. Sharon tells Jack Billy was worried about him - he doesn't want to see him get hurt again by Sharon. Jack buys this and he tells her not to worry. Sharon tells Jack Nick deserves the truth. Jack tells Sharon she shouldn't tell Nick yet because she'd be ruining a marriage and Summer's world and it might be for nothing. Sharon says she needs to tell Nick because she needs him right now. Jack realizes Nick is the only other person who knows what it's like to have lost Cassie. Sharon tells him it hurts worse than he can even imagine. Jack wonders if she wants to hurt Nick, and if not, she shouldn't tell him yet. Sharon agrees and they hug.
Chloe goes to the Chancellor mansion. Mac asks how she is and Chloe says she isn't doing great and she believes Mac knows why. Katherine comes in and invites her to the barbecue tomorrow. Chloe thanks her, but says they need some family time. Katherine takes Delia outside to see the decorations. Chloe confronts Mac about calling Billy, telling Mackenzie it's hard enough to try and build a life with someone as immature as Billy without Mac interfering. She says she can't even make love with Billy without Mac calling and reminding him of what he doesn't have. Mac says the call was an impulsive thing to do - she just wanted to show Billy something she thought he'd find funny. Chloe wants to know what she wants with Billy? Mackenzie tells Chloe she isn't a threat to her marriage. Chloe insists if it weren't for Cordelia, she'd let Mac and Billy be together because she doesn't like humiliating herself like this. Mackenzie says she doesn't want to be the other woman. As they talk, Chloe learns that Mac and Billy never slept together. Mac also tells her that up until recently, she was seeing someone else seriously. Chloe wants to know what happened, and Mac says timing, she isn't very good at it.
Billy goes back to the pool house, looking for Chloe. He checks his phone and finds no messages. He goes to the Chancellor mansion and overhears Chloe bidding farewell to Mac and Katherine. Chloe says she'll be attending the barbecue after all, and Mac promises to keep her distance. Chloe asks Mac why she doesn't bring a date. Chloe suggests bringing the guy from Africa, but Mac says they haven't talked in a while and isn't sure it'd be a good thing. Billy leaves.
Nick calls Sharon while she's on the couch at the Abbott mansion, but she doesn't answer it.
Billy returns to the pool house, angry. He's surprised when he finds Jack there. Jack tells Billy Sharon told him what's going on and thanks him for looking out for Jack where Sharon is concerned. Jack says he knows the baby may not be his, but he doesn't mind. Billy tells his brother he hopes it works out for him because he'll make a wonderful father. Jack hugs his brother.
Billy looks at his cell phone in the pool house and sees he missed a phone call from Mac. He tells Chloe he has to go to work to work on a special project from Jack. Chloe picks out a tie for him to wear, and he leaves. Chloe thinks back to their morning in bed when Jack knocks on the door. Chloe tells Jack he just missed Billy - he just went to start that new project Jack gave to him. Jack looks confused! He utters under his breath he knows exactly where Billy is. Chloe tells Jack Billy has been great lately, and he is surprised to hear this. They discuss how impulsive Billy can be, and Chloe begins to wonder if that is what this morning was. After Jack leaves, Delia begins to cry. When she goes to get Delia's blanket, she finds Billy's phone and sees that Mac called.
At the Chancellor mansion, Mac listens to the duet tape she and Billy made. Katherine comes into the room and tells Mackenzie she wanted to give her a heads up - she is going to invite Billy and Chloe to the barbecue. Mac talks to Katherine about Billy, saying even if he left Chloe, he'd still be miserable because he would feel he let Delia down. Kay says if she hadn't shown up at the wedding, Billy's focus wouldn't have been on her ever since then, but Mac says she can't help that - she's tried. Kay wonders what would have happened if Mac had shown up earlier and Mac admits she doesn't know.
Paul shows up at Mary Jane's door and says he knows her from somewhere and it's driving him crazy. With a little convincing, Mary Jane finally agrees to meet Paul downstairs in the Club for lunch. When Mary Jane comes downstairs, she's wearing sunglasses, telling Paul she feels a migraine coming on. Paul begins to ask Mary Jane about her background, but she doesn't give him a lot of information. Paul says he recognizes her laugh and says perhaps they met through a family connection? Mary Jane gets pretty uncomfortable and suddenly jumps up, saying her migraine is killing her, and leaves. After she's gone, Paul makes a phone call and orders a full background check on Mary Jane!
At Restless Style, Nick looks at the drawing Summer gave him and flashes back to when Cassie gave him a drawing of their family. He comes back to the present in order to thank Summer for her drawing. Nick sighs and wonders when this gets easier. Phyllis says she wishes she could do something to help him, but Nick says she already has - she's given him Summer. Phyllis wants to know what Nick is feeling - no matter what it is. Nick finally tells her he's worried about Sharon - she's unravelling and she has been for a long time now. Phyllis says she's worried about Sharon too - she has a lot going on. She tells Nick she can see Sharon falling apart, but she's getting the help she needs now. Nick feels guilty because he wasn't there for her when Cassie died and that's when all of this started. Phyllis tells Nick he made a mistake, but he'd never do that again - he's a different person now. Nick feels he needs to be there for Sharon now, but Phyllis reminds Nick he isn't her doctor, priest, therapist, or husband. Nick tells Phyllis Sharon has told him to stay away, but he feels this is all his fault. Phyllis tells Nick Sharon may want to move forward with Jack, but she can't because Nick won't let her go. Nick tells Phyllis he values her and Summer. Phyllis tells Nick not to think for a second that she doesn't need him as much as Sharon does. Phyllis leaves the office while Nick draws with Summer.
Sharon holds Cassie's drawing and cries. Billy comes in and asks if she's okay. He wants to know why she moved back in with Jack - it's uncomfortable for him. He wonders if it is uncomfortable for her as well. Billy worries about what would happen if Chloe and Jack found out he might be the father of Sharon's baby. Sharon tells Billy Jack already knows he might not be the baby's father. Billy wonders if there is a third candidate for the father?! Sharon says Jack knows she was with someone else, but he doesn't know it was Billy. Billy insists that Sharon living at the Abbott mansion isn't ideal because it could all blow up in their faces! Billy says he would fall in love with the baby if it is his. Billy says Jack's been like a father to him and he doesn't know what he'd do if Jack ever found out. Suddenly, Jack appears and wants to know what he's interrupting!
Sharon says she was already emotional before Billy came in. Billy leaves the room. Sharon tells Jack Billy was worried about him - he doesn't want to see him get hurt again by Sharon. Jack buys this and he tells her not to worry. Sharon tells Jack Nick deserves the truth. Jack tells Sharon she shouldn't tell Nick yet because she'd be ruining a marriage and Summer's world and it might be for nothing. Sharon says she needs to tell Nick because she needs him right now. Jack realizes Nick is the only other person who knows what it's like to have lost Cassie. Sharon tells him it hurts worse than he can even imagine. Jack wonders if she wants to hurt Nick, and if not, she shouldn't tell him yet. Sharon agrees and they hug.
Chloe goes to the Chancellor mansion. Mac asks how she is and Chloe says she isn't doing great and she believes Mac knows why. Katherine comes in and invites her to the barbecue tomorrow. Chloe thanks her, but says they need some family time. Katherine takes Delia outside to see the decorations. Chloe confronts Mac about calling Billy, telling Mackenzie it's hard enough to try and build a life with someone as immature as Billy without Mac interfering. She says she can't even make love with Billy without Mac calling and reminding him of what he doesn't have. Mac says the call was an impulsive thing to do - she just wanted to show Billy something she thought he'd find funny. Chloe wants to know what she wants with Billy? Mackenzie tells Chloe she isn't a threat to her marriage. Chloe insists if it weren't for Cordelia, she'd let Mac and Billy be together because she doesn't like humiliating herself like this. Mackenzie says she doesn't want to be the other woman. As they talk, Chloe learns that Mac and Billy never slept together. Mac also tells her that up until recently, she was seeing someone else seriously. Chloe wants to know what happened, and Mac says timing, she isn't very good at it.
Billy goes back to the pool house, looking for Chloe. He checks his phone and finds no messages. He goes to the Chancellor mansion and overhears Chloe bidding farewell to Mac and Katherine. Chloe says she'll be attending the barbecue after all, and Mac promises to keep her distance. Chloe asks Mac why she doesn't bring a date. Chloe suggests bringing the guy from Africa, but Mac says they haven't talked in a while and isn't sure it'd be a good thing. Billy leaves.
Nick calls Sharon while she's on the couch at the Abbott mansion, but she doesn't answer it.
Billy returns to the pool house, angry. He's surprised when he finds Jack there. Jack tells Billy Sharon told him what's going on and thanks him for looking out for Jack where Sharon is concerned. Jack says he knows the baby may not be his, but he doesn't mind. Billy tells his brother he hopes it works out for him because he'll make a wonderful father. Jack hugs his brother.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tyra's Not Related
The Young and the Restless update for Tuesday May 19, 2009:
At the reception, Daniel tries to get Lily and Cane to smash the cake into each other's faces. Cane says Lily is too pretty to do that, but Lily has fun getting some cake onto Cane. Daniel takes some pictures for the Restless Style website. Afterwards, Devon sits back down with Virginia. He says a comment she made earlier confused him - he says she made it sound like Tyra wasn't related to him. Virginia tells Devon Tyra isn't blood-related - Devon's grandmother took Tyra in when she was young after her mother died! Devon asks if Tyra knows, and Virginia says she does, she's known since she was a teenager. Devon is quite shocked that Tyra didn't tell him about this.
Billy talks with Katherine about Mac. He says something bad always slips out of his mouth when she's around and he's frustrated. Kay points out that that ship has already sailed, yet he is still chasing it with an anchor named Chloe around his neck.
Michael and Lauren eat dinner at the Club. Lauren checks on Eden and Fen by phone and tells Michael they're fine. Michael remarks that at least they know what they're doing. He says he hasn't heard from Gloria and she isn't returning his messages or texts. Michael worries Gloria and Jeff are getting into trouble, but Lauren tells him that if they are in trouble, they will call. Lauren says it's time to concentrate on them - they haven't had a date night in ages. She hands him an envelope with the tickets to Monte Carlo in it - she wants to cash in her trip! Also in the envelope is a room key. Michael calls out for the check so they can head upstairs.
At the reception, Mac talks with Kevin and Jana and apologizes for Billy's behavior. Kevin tells her it's okay - Billy's always been a jerk and he doesn't know what she ever saw in him!
Jill asks Katherine if she is really going to do this movie and Katherine says she is. Jill expresses that she thinks it's a horrible idea. Nina tells Jill if she'd quit being so self-obsessed, she'd realize it is a great idea. Murphy makes a suggestion for an actor for the movie, and Amber says maybe they can get Glenn Close to play Jill - she did a very convincing Cruella DeVille! Jill threatens to put a stop to the movie.
Neil dances with Tyra and says there is still so much he doesn't know about her - he'll enjoy finding out more. Devon dances with Roxanne and glares at them nearby. Neil tells Tyra he speak to Devon about this - he doesn't have the right to tell Neil who he can date and when.
Lily and Daniel talk. Lily says she's thinking about becoming an interior designer, and Daniel says she'll make a great one. Daniel and Lily agree that although things didn't work out for them as a couple, things turned out well for both of them. They wish each other well and hug.
Amber goes over to Chloe and remarks that Lily has it all. She says she wishes for once in her life, she was living the fairytale. Chloe asks about Daniel, and Amber tells her at the rate they are going, she'll be Katherine's age before they get married! Chloe tells her to make it happen - she has before.
Jill complains to Billy about the movie Katherine is going to make. Billy observes she really isn't upset about the movie - she's upset about the trouble Jack said she was in. Jill makes Billy promise he won't tell anyone. She tells him she's broke! Billy promises he won't tell anyone and offers his mother help from the trust John left him. Jill says Billy is very sweet, but she will manage. Billy goes over to Chloe, Cane, and Lily and Cane thanks Billy for coming to the wedding. He proposes this could be a new start for all of them. Billy agrees they should give it a shot. Chloe apologizes for her past actions and wishes Cane and Lily the best. Cane picks Lily up and starts to carry her out. She tosses her bouquet and Amber catches it!
Michael and Lauren make out and eat brownies in bed in their room at the Club. Afterward, they head home. Michael tells Lauren she makes him feel like a teenager and they agree to plan their trip to Monte Carlo in the morning.
At the reception, Kevin tells Amber she'll be the next one to get married, but Daniel says if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Amber is displeased with this comment. Mac is about to leave, but Billy stops her. He apologizes for his behavior toward Kevin, but Mac doesn't feel like forgiving him. She walks away. Chloe joins Billy so they can leave, but he asks her to wait. Billy goes over to Kevin and Jana and apologizes for his behavior. Jana goes off on Billy. After Billy leaves, Kevin says he doesn't need Jana fighting his battles for him! Alone now, Kevin and Jana slow dance in the silence and Kevin thanks her for being so patient with him - he knows she didn't sign up for a crazy husband. Jana tells him she promised to stay by him in sickness and in health. They kiss. They head home and make love in the elevator.
Roxane, Devon, and Ana are back at Lily and Cane's decorating and picking up the dog for the night. Roxane asks Devon why he's so upset and he tells her he's upset about Neil and Tyra, but she doesn't understand why he's upset about them dancing together.
At the Chancellor mansion, Katherine, Murphy, Mac, and Nina sit in the living room chatting. Jill comes in and complains she had hoped to find some peace and quiet. Murphy offers to rent Jill the trailer, where she can find a lot of peace and quiet, but Jill tells everyone she isn't going anywhere! Jill leaves the room. After she's gone, Mac says she feels sorry for Jill. Nina says that Jill's always been a mess and it's her own fault. Katherine says she's tried to let Jill know she doesn't have to be alone. Once Mac and Nina are alone, Nina remarks that it's weird being back because there are so many reminders of Phillip - it's hard to believe he's really gone. They bid each other a good night. Mac goes to get something out of her car, and opens the front door to find Billy standing there!
At home, Daniel is uploading the photos to the website, but Amber wants to talk. She tells Daniel she's already lost two children and her biological clock is ticking. Daniel says they've already talked about this - he's not ready to make that kind of commitment. Amber becomes offended, thinking Daniel doesn't want to be married to her. Daniel says he doesn't want to get married to anyone right now - he thinks they still have plenty of time. Amber wonders if she should waste her time on a relationship that isn't going anywhere, but Daniel tells her that an ultimatum won't change his mind. Amber goes to bed, holds the bouquet she caught, and cries.
Cane and Lily come home to find their place decorated. Cane tells Lily Devon took Humphrey for the night. They kiss. Lily changes and they have a toast. Lily says they'll never be apart again. Cane says he's made mistakes, but he promises to never disappoint her again. They begin to kiss and move onto the couch to make love.
Devon checks on Virginia at the Club, and she tells him how good it is to see him again - she was sad when they lost touch before. She tells Devon she's sad about what the drugs did to his mom, and she wasn't always that way. She says Devon and Ana got their singing voices from their mother - she had a beautiful voice as well. Virginia hands Devon a letter Yolanda wrote to Devon's father a long time ago - she never sent it. Devon reads the letter where Yolanda tells him she gave birth to his son. He realizes his father never knew he had a son.
Neil takes Tyra to his house and pours them drinks. He toasts to her - the second most beautiful woman at the reception tonight - next to Lily. They begin to kiss and head to the bedroom to make love.
Chloe is at home where Delia begins to cry. Chloe picks her up and holds her, thinking.
Mac asks Billy what he's doing there. He says he had to see her. Mac begins to scream at Billy to leave her alone! Katherine comes to the door and tells Billy he heard her - go home. As Billy leaves, Kay hugs Mac.
At the reception, Daniel tries to get Lily and Cane to smash the cake into each other's faces. Cane says Lily is too pretty to do that, but Lily has fun getting some cake onto Cane. Daniel takes some pictures for the Restless Style website. Afterwards, Devon sits back down with Virginia. He says a comment she made earlier confused him - he says she made it sound like Tyra wasn't related to him. Virginia tells Devon Tyra isn't blood-related - Devon's grandmother took Tyra in when she was young after her mother died! Devon asks if Tyra knows, and Virginia says she does, she's known since she was a teenager. Devon is quite shocked that Tyra didn't tell him about this.
Billy talks with Katherine about Mac. He says something bad always slips out of his mouth when she's around and he's frustrated. Kay points out that that ship has already sailed, yet he is still chasing it with an anchor named Chloe around his neck.
Michael and Lauren eat dinner at the Club. Lauren checks on Eden and Fen by phone and tells Michael they're fine. Michael remarks that at least they know what they're doing. He says he hasn't heard from Gloria and she isn't returning his messages or texts. Michael worries Gloria and Jeff are getting into trouble, but Lauren tells him that if they are in trouble, they will call. Lauren says it's time to concentrate on them - they haven't had a date night in ages. She hands him an envelope with the tickets to Monte Carlo in it - she wants to cash in her trip! Also in the envelope is a room key. Michael calls out for the check so they can head upstairs.
At the reception, Mac talks with Kevin and Jana and apologizes for Billy's behavior. Kevin tells her it's okay - Billy's always been a jerk and he doesn't know what she ever saw in him!
Jill asks Katherine if she is really going to do this movie and Katherine says she is. Jill expresses that she thinks it's a horrible idea. Nina tells Jill if she'd quit being so self-obsessed, she'd realize it is a great idea. Murphy makes a suggestion for an actor for the movie, and Amber says maybe they can get Glenn Close to play Jill - she did a very convincing Cruella DeVille! Jill threatens to put a stop to the movie.
Neil dances with Tyra and says there is still so much he doesn't know about her - he'll enjoy finding out more. Devon dances with Roxanne and glares at them nearby. Neil tells Tyra he speak to Devon about this - he doesn't have the right to tell Neil who he can date and when.
Lily and Daniel talk. Lily says she's thinking about becoming an interior designer, and Daniel says she'll make a great one. Daniel and Lily agree that although things didn't work out for them as a couple, things turned out well for both of them. They wish each other well and hug.
Amber goes over to Chloe and remarks that Lily has it all. She says she wishes for once in her life, she was living the fairytale. Chloe asks about Daniel, and Amber tells her at the rate they are going, she'll be Katherine's age before they get married! Chloe tells her to make it happen - she has before.
Jill complains to Billy about the movie Katherine is going to make. Billy observes she really isn't upset about the movie - she's upset about the trouble Jack said she was in. Jill makes Billy promise he won't tell anyone. She tells him she's broke! Billy promises he won't tell anyone and offers his mother help from the trust John left him. Jill says Billy is very sweet, but she will manage. Billy goes over to Chloe, Cane, and Lily and Cane thanks Billy for coming to the wedding. He proposes this could be a new start for all of them. Billy agrees they should give it a shot. Chloe apologizes for her past actions and wishes Cane and Lily the best. Cane picks Lily up and starts to carry her out. She tosses her bouquet and Amber catches it!
Michael and Lauren make out and eat brownies in bed in their room at the Club. Afterward, they head home. Michael tells Lauren she makes him feel like a teenager and they agree to plan their trip to Monte Carlo in the morning.
At the reception, Kevin tells Amber she'll be the next one to get married, but Daniel says if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Amber is displeased with this comment. Mac is about to leave, but Billy stops her. He apologizes for his behavior toward Kevin, but Mac doesn't feel like forgiving him. She walks away. Chloe joins Billy so they can leave, but he asks her to wait. Billy goes over to Kevin and Jana and apologizes for his behavior. Jana goes off on Billy. After Billy leaves, Kevin says he doesn't need Jana fighting his battles for him! Alone now, Kevin and Jana slow dance in the silence and Kevin thanks her for being so patient with him - he knows she didn't sign up for a crazy husband. Jana tells him she promised to stay by him in sickness and in health. They kiss. They head home and make love in the elevator.
Roxane, Devon, and Ana are back at Lily and Cane's decorating and picking up the dog for the night. Roxane asks Devon why he's so upset and he tells her he's upset about Neil and Tyra, but she doesn't understand why he's upset about them dancing together.
At the Chancellor mansion, Katherine, Murphy, Mac, and Nina sit in the living room chatting. Jill comes in and complains she had hoped to find some peace and quiet. Murphy offers to rent Jill the trailer, where she can find a lot of peace and quiet, but Jill tells everyone she isn't going anywhere! Jill leaves the room. After she's gone, Mac says she feels sorry for Jill. Nina says that Jill's always been a mess and it's her own fault. Katherine says she's tried to let Jill know she doesn't have to be alone. Once Mac and Nina are alone, Nina remarks that it's weird being back because there are so many reminders of Phillip - it's hard to believe he's really gone. They bid each other a good night. Mac goes to get something out of her car, and opens the front door to find Billy standing there!
At home, Daniel is uploading the photos to the website, but Amber wants to talk. She tells Daniel she's already lost two children and her biological clock is ticking. Daniel says they've already talked about this - he's not ready to make that kind of commitment. Amber becomes offended, thinking Daniel doesn't want to be married to her. Daniel says he doesn't want to get married to anyone right now - he thinks they still have plenty of time. Amber wonders if she should waste her time on a relationship that isn't going anywhere, but Daniel tells her that an ultimatum won't change his mind. Amber goes to bed, holds the bouquet she caught, and cries.
Cane and Lily come home to find their place decorated. Cane tells Lily Devon took Humphrey for the night. They kiss. Lily changes and they have a toast. Lily says they'll never be apart again. Cane says he's made mistakes, but he promises to never disappoint her again. They begin to kiss and move onto the couch to make love.
Devon checks on Virginia at the Club, and she tells him how good it is to see him again - she was sad when they lost touch before. She tells Devon she's sad about what the drugs did to his mom, and she wasn't always that way. She says Devon and Ana got their singing voices from their mother - she had a beautiful voice as well. Virginia hands Devon a letter Yolanda wrote to Devon's father a long time ago - she never sent it. Devon reads the letter where Yolanda tells him she gave birth to his son. He realizes his father never knew he had a son.
Neil takes Tyra to his house and pours them drinks. He toasts to her - the second most beautiful woman at the reception tonight - next to Lily. They begin to kiss and head to the bedroom to make love.
Chloe is at home where Delia begins to cry. Chloe picks her up and holds her, thinking.
Mac asks Billy what he's doing there. He says he had to see her. Mac begins to scream at Billy to leave her alone! Katherine comes to the door and tells Billy he heard her - go home. As Billy leaves, Kay hugs Mac.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Estella Didn't Make the Call
The Young and the Restless update for Monday May 18, 2009:
Ashley runs into Victor's arms when he arrives home at the Ranch. She cries and tells Victor she can't stay in this house anymore - Sabrina called and said she was going to die! Victor sits Ashley down on the couch and she tells him how Sabrina kept saying it was her and that she couldn't escape, Ashley was going to die. Adam tells Victor he was standing right there the entire time Ashley was on the phone, and that it must have been Estella. Victor checks Ashley's phone and it reads, "invalid number." Victor then calls Estella's house and Rafe answers the phone. Victor has him check the outgoing calls, and finds out Estella didn't call. Victor tells Adam it wasn't Estella.
Nina compliments Phyllis and Nick on Restless Style at the wedding reception. They ask her to write a piece for them, and she agrees happily. Nearby, Jill tells Billy she can't believe both of her sons got married within a few weeks of each other. Billy asks Jill again about what kind of trouble she was in, and Jill avoids the question. Jana and Kevin arrive and Kevin is feeling anxious about the crowd. Katherine comes over and tells Kevin to take it one day at a time, to take it one second at a time if he needs to, and they are all going to be there to support him. Roxane and Devon talk with Ana and Tyra. Mac asks Devon if he has seen Colleen. Billy comes over and informs everyone Colleen had to leave because her grandmother was in an accident. Ana asks if she will be okay, and Billy says they don't know yet. She says she'll pray for her. Devon gets a call informing him that Cane and Lily are on their way in.
Everyone applauds as Cane and Lily appear. Nina congratulates the couple, and Cane says he'd like to meet Phillip one day. Amber and Chloe agree that Lily's dress is boring, just like her. Jill overhears the conversation and informs them that the dress was her mother's! Jill wonders why Amber is even there. She asks Jill why she's such a hater - is it because she's close to Katherine? Jill says she disliked Amber long before she became close with Katherine. Nick and Phyllis talk with Cane and Lily. Phyllis tells them the response to the Restless Style cover has been great.
Tyra squeals happily when she sees Aunt Virginia come into the reception. Devon introduces his Great Aunt Virginia to Roxane and Neil. Virginia thanks Neil for what he's done for the family. Tyra wants to talk with Virginia, but Devon takes her to get a drink first. Neil says this is exciting - Tyra and Ana have more family than Devon - but Tyra does not seem to be thrilled. Virginia meets Lily and Cane and tells them she'll be in town for a while.
Nick and Phyllis talk with Daniel and Amber. Phyllis asks Daniel to have the photos uploaded tonight. After Amber and Daniel leave, Nick and Phyllis reminisce about their reception. Phyllis brings up the incident with Sharon in the club, and Nick says she wasn't feeling well. Phyllis says Sharon seems to not feel well most of the time. Nick suggests they have some fun - they've been through a lot together and they're still here. They drink to survival and fun.
Cane and Lily dance for the first time as husband and wife and share a passionate kiss. Jill and Neil begin to dance next and agree that Cane and Lily are great in-laws to have. They joke about grandchildren as well. Devon asks Mac to dance and thanks her for filling in for Colleen while Billy watches. Jana convinces Kevin to dance and Amber asks Daniel to dance, but he says he can't right now because he has to keep taking photos. She seems dejected. Billy pulls Chloe onto the dance floor and they joke about old times and their wedding. Neil cuts in and dances with Lily. She tells her father she hopes her marriage to Cane is half as good as his was to Dru. Jill dances with Cane and Jill suggests he take his father's name. Katherine and Murphy dance alongside Jill and Cane and Katherine says she loves Cane just as she did Phillip and she believes taking the Chancellor name is a good idea. Cane says he wants to think about it. Cane dances with Katherine, then, and Murphy dances with Jill. Cane remarks that Jill is being civil with Katherine, and Kay says she hopes Jill is softening.
Amber finally gets Daniel to dance by the door. Kevin and Jana come up alongside them and they switch partners. Nick and Phyllis dance nearby and kiss. Virginia talks with Devon about Tyra adopting Ana. She says she thought courts usually prefer a blood relative to adopt a child, and Devon is confused by this statement. She leaves to freshen up. Billy comes over to Kevin and starts taunting him, calling him the silver chipmunk and a psycho. Mac overhears this and tells Billy he's nothing like the way she remembered - she is so disappointed in him!
Katherine, Jill, and Nina talk about Cane meeting Phillip, Nina's son. Amber comes over and asks them if they are talking about the movie. Jill wonders what she's talking about and Amber tells her she and Nina are co-writing Katherine's book into a movie. Jill is not impressed.
Lily and Cane give a speech about how they appreciate their families and friends before they cut the cake. Neil goes to put his hand on Tyra's shoulder, and Devon rolls his eyes at this.
Olivia arrives at the Ranch at Victor's request. Victor fills her in on the phone call - he thinks Ashley might be stressed and he wants her to check Ashley out. Ashley is thrilled Victor called Olivia to come check on her. Olivia asks Adam to leave them alone for a moment, so he leaves the room. Adam talks to Victor, who asks him if he heard a voice on the other end of the phone. Adam says he only heard Ashley's voice. Olivia takes Ashley's blood pressure and temperature. Ashley tells her that Victor must think she's losing her mind, but Olivia assures her he doesn't think that. Olivia tells Ashley her temperature and blood pressure are elevated and she wants Ashley to check into the hospital for the night. She wants Ashley to talk to someone. Ashley becomes upset, telling Olivia she doesn't need to talk to anyone - she needs for her and Victor to believe her! Olivia tells Ashley she believes her. Adam comes back into the room and tells Ashley Estella didn't make the phone call! In the other room, Olivia tells Victor she wouldn't dismiss the idea that Ashley may be having another nervous breakdown. Victor says he was afraid of that. Olivia returns to Ashley and leads her upstairs to get some rest.
Victor thanks Adam for being so kind to Ashley. Victor leaves the room. Adam says it's a little late for that!
Nick and Phyllis go back to Restless Style so Phyllis can find her keys. They agree they've had more fun than they've had in ages. They make love there and agree doing so makes them feel more connected.
Ashley runs into Victor's arms when he arrives home at the Ranch. She cries and tells Victor she can't stay in this house anymore - Sabrina called and said she was going to die! Victor sits Ashley down on the couch and she tells him how Sabrina kept saying it was her and that she couldn't escape, Ashley was going to die. Adam tells Victor he was standing right there the entire time Ashley was on the phone, and that it must have been Estella. Victor checks Ashley's phone and it reads, "invalid number." Victor then calls Estella's house and Rafe answers the phone. Victor has him check the outgoing calls, and finds out Estella didn't call. Victor tells Adam it wasn't Estella.
Nina compliments Phyllis and Nick on Restless Style at the wedding reception. They ask her to write a piece for them, and she agrees happily. Nearby, Jill tells Billy she can't believe both of her sons got married within a few weeks of each other. Billy asks Jill again about what kind of trouble she was in, and Jill avoids the question. Jana and Kevin arrive and Kevin is feeling anxious about the crowd. Katherine comes over and tells Kevin to take it one day at a time, to take it one second at a time if he needs to, and they are all going to be there to support him. Roxane and Devon talk with Ana and Tyra. Mac asks Devon if he has seen Colleen. Billy comes over and informs everyone Colleen had to leave because her grandmother was in an accident. Ana asks if she will be okay, and Billy says they don't know yet. She says she'll pray for her. Devon gets a call informing him that Cane and Lily are on their way in.
Everyone applauds as Cane and Lily appear. Nina congratulates the couple, and Cane says he'd like to meet Phillip one day. Amber and Chloe agree that Lily's dress is boring, just like her. Jill overhears the conversation and informs them that the dress was her mother's! Jill wonders why Amber is even there. She asks Jill why she's such a hater - is it because she's close to Katherine? Jill says she disliked Amber long before she became close with Katherine. Nick and Phyllis talk with Cane and Lily. Phyllis tells them the response to the Restless Style cover has been great.
Tyra squeals happily when she sees Aunt Virginia come into the reception. Devon introduces his Great Aunt Virginia to Roxane and Neil. Virginia thanks Neil for what he's done for the family. Tyra wants to talk with Virginia, but Devon takes her to get a drink first. Neil says this is exciting - Tyra and Ana have more family than Devon - but Tyra does not seem to be thrilled. Virginia meets Lily and Cane and tells them she'll be in town for a while.
Nick and Phyllis talk with Daniel and Amber. Phyllis asks Daniel to have the photos uploaded tonight. After Amber and Daniel leave, Nick and Phyllis reminisce about their reception. Phyllis brings up the incident with Sharon in the club, and Nick says she wasn't feeling well. Phyllis says Sharon seems to not feel well most of the time. Nick suggests they have some fun - they've been through a lot together and they're still here. They drink to survival and fun.
Cane and Lily dance for the first time as husband and wife and share a passionate kiss. Jill and Neil begin to dance next and agree that Cane and Lily are great in-laws to have. They joke about grandchildren as well. Devon asks Mac to dance and thanks her for filling in for Colleen while Billy watches. Jana convinces Kevin to dance and Amber asks Daniel to dance, but he says he can't right now because he has to keep taking photos. She seems dejected. Billy pulls Chloe onto the dance floor and they joke about old times and their wedding. Neil cuts in and dances with Lily. She tells her father she hopes her marriage to Cane is half as good as his was to Dru. Jill dances with Cane and Jill suggests he take his father's name. Katherine and Murphy dance alongside Jill and Cane and Katherine says she loves Cane just as she did Phillip and she believes taking the Chancellor name is a good idea. Cane says he wants to think about it. Cane dances with Katherine, then, and Murphy dances with Jill. Cane remarks that Jill is being civil with Katherine, and Kay says she hopes Jill is softening.
Amber finally gets Daniel to dance by the door. Kevin and Jana come up alongside them and they switch partners. Nick and Phyllis dance nearby and kiss. Virginia talks with Devon about Tyra adopting Ana. She says she thought courts usually prefer a blood relative to adopt a child, and Devon is confused by this statement. She leaves to freshen up. Billy comes over to Kevin and starts taunting him, calling him the silver chipmunk and a psycho. Mac overhears this and tells Billy he's nothing like the way she remembered - she is so disappointed in him!
Katherine, Jill, and Nina talk about Cane meeting Phillip, Nina's son. Amber comes over and asks them if they are talking about the movie. Jill wonders what she's talking about and Amber tells her she and Nina are co-writing Katherine's book into a movie. Jill is not impressed.
Lily and Cane give a speech about how they appreciate their families and friends before they cut the cake. Neil goes to put his hand on Tyra's shoulder, and Devon rolls his eyes at this.
Olivia arrives at the Ranch at Victor's request. Victor fills her in on the phone call - he thinks Ashley might be stressed and he wants her to check Ashley out. Ashley is thrilled Victor called Olivia to come check on her. Olivia asks Adam to leave them alone for a moment, so he leaves the room. Adam talks to Victor, who asks him if he heard a voice on the other end of the phone. Adam says he only heard Ashley's voice. Olivia takes Ashley's blood pressure and temperature. Ashley tells her that Victor must think she's losing her mind, but Olivia assures her he doesn't think that. Olivia tells Ashley her temperature and blood pressure are elevated and she wants Ashley to check into the hospital for the night. She wants Ashley to talk to someone. Ashley becomes upset, telling Olivia she doesn't need to talk to anyone - she needs for her and Victor to believe her! Olivia tells Ashley she believes her. Adam comes back into the room and tells Ashley Estella didn't make the phone call! In the other room, Olivia tells Victor she wouldn't dismiss the idea that Ashley may be having another nervous breakdown. Victor says he was afraid of that. Olivia returns to Ashley and leads her upstairs to get some rest.
Victor thanks Adam for being so kind to Ashley. Victor leaves the room. Adam says it's a little late for that!
Nick and Phyllis go back to Restless Style so Phyllis can find her keys. They agree they've had more fun than they've had in ages. They make love there and agree doing so makes them feel more connected.
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